One of our target birds was the Kirtland's Warbler. Kirtland's Warbler, also known as the jack pine warbler, is named after Jared P. Kirtland, an Ohio doctor and amateur naturalist. Nearly extinct just 50 years ago, it is well on its way to recovery due to conservation efforts to restore at least 160 acres of dense young jack pine for its breeding habitat.
We went looking for Summer Tanagers a Oak Openings Preserve about 50km west of Magee Marsh. We did find the Tanagers with the male being the only completely red bird in North America.
After a couple of days in the Shawnee Ohio State Park in southern Ohio we headed north to Magee Marsh along Lake Erie. The day we arrived it was overcast with drizzles off and on all day. The soft light made for great photography plus with the unsettled weather the birds were down low and at times so close that I had to back up to get focus.
I went on a trip in search of Warblers with the Tropical Birding 2019 Warbler Tour through Kentucky, Ohio, and Michigan USA. The tour was with Tropical Birding ( The Warbler Tour in Three States and over Thirty Warblers May 9 - 20, 2019. This post will cover the first part through Kentucky and southern Ohio but first the feature photo is a Cerulean Warbler we found in southern Ohio.
I moved to the Reno NV area about 3 years ago leaving the SF Bay area behind. Whites Creek runs north our home and its source is Mount Rose and runs through Whites Creek Canyon. I also lead bird walks in the area and since Whites Creek is my running area of coarse I lead walks through Canyon. One of the harder birds to photograph is the Ruby-crowned Kinglet.