


The small can be very fascinating especially when it comes to photography.  I have been taking macro photos for a few years but a year or so ago I picked up a 105mm f/2.8 Macro (Nikon calls it Micro) lens and was not disappointed.


Plumbeous Vireo


Plumbeous Vireo

This little bird is about 5.75" long with a wing span of 10" and only weighs .63oz (18g) but like warblers they are constantly moving in search of insects.  I first saw this bird on Dec 31, 2011 a few days after it showed up at the Santa Cruz Court house which is located along the San Lorenzo River. 


Hooded Warbler


Hooded Warbler

This winter has brought a few rare birds to Santa Cruz County and this week a Hooded Warbler showed up at Natural Bridges State Beach.  This is an East Coast bird that was last seen in the county in 2006. 


B&W Warbler


B&W Warbler

Black and White Warblers show up somewhere in Santa Cruz County each year and this winter is no different.  A B&W was spending time in a 4 block long green space called Bethany Curve in Santa Cruz proper. 


A Birder and a Flycatcher


A Birder and a Flycatcher

The Scissor-tailed Flycatcher (Tyrannus forficatus) is a rare visitor for the central coast where one was last seen in 2008 at Ano Nuevo State Park (per ebird database).  So needless to say, I was off in search of this rarity when I got an ebird email alerted of the flycatcher's presence at Miramontes Point area in San Mateo California.
