Yard Birds


Yard Birds

Sometimes looking out your window reveals the familiar but when I pick up my camera my sense of observation turns the familiar into something new and exciting.


Rock Wren

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Rock Wren

Wrens are very common in Santa Cruz County with the Bewick's being the most common and wide spread.  We also have the Marsh, House, and Pacific Wrens but they are common in the appropriate habitat.  So, when a Rock Wren showed up last weekend it was a big deal for the area birders. 

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More Sparrows

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More Sparrows

There are 2 migrations a year and they bring a lot of activity in the birding world.  This week's photo is of a Lincoln's Sparrow that I was fortunately to have perch about 3 meters from me.

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Sparrows Return


Sparrows Return

For me, the true sign of fall in Santa Cruz is the return of the sparrows.  There are other species that winter in California, but for me it is when the Fox and Golden-crowned sparrows return to my home that I look forward to in the fall.





Birding and photographing wildlife keeps me centered on how wonderful nature is even with all the disrespect for it I see daily.  A great photograph, when they happen, is in itself what keeps me going out in the field for that next one.  So add to a good photograph a life bird and it becomes down right thrilling.
