A Place


A Place

There are times that I feel I should be photographing wildlife in places like Yosemite or Yellowstone National Parks.  Although that would be nice, sometimes we can find great images in the most common of places.


The Portrait

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The Portrait

Woke up last Saturday morning to a Steller's Jay at my kitchen window.  Very friendly.  I stepped closer to the window and the guy hopped onto the widow sill, looking at me looking at her.

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The Series


The Series

The Santa Cruz Bird Club has field trips most Fridays and this week it was to Natural Bridges State Beach.  Summer means fog and that's what we had with just about 10 minutes of diffused light around 10 am.  This week's photo was of an immature Black Phoebe doing a number on a bee.





Now you think you are getting the hang of photographing birds and then you step foot on a boat.  Jeannine and I went on a Pelagic trip with Debi Shearwater and Shearwater Journeys.  This trip was out of Pillar Point Harbor and into Half Moon Bay. 



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I headed out early a couple of Friday's ago and stopped at Younger Lagoon Reserve.  The Lagoon is located North (or as locals say West, more on that in later posts) of Santa Cruz and near Natural Bridges State Beach. 

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