There has been a battle between my Sharp-shinned Hawk and the Steller's Jays for many years at my Santa Cruz home. The Steller's bully the Sharpie but if a Cooper's Hawk arrives there is complete silence. The routine is the Steller's gang up on the Sharpie getting so close that the Sharpie almost catches a Steller's. I have seen over 65 Steller's fly from this perch across the valley to another tree in pursuit of the Sharpie.
Photo of the Week 33: Sharp-shinned v Steller's
EQ: D7200, 300mm f/2.8 Taken: 4-3-2016 at 8:46a
Settings: 450mm (35mm eqiv), 1/2500s, f/4.5, ISO320, +1/3EV Conditions: Sunny
I was walking through the kitchen when I took a look at the hawk snag to find a Sharpie. Shortly after that a Steller's came in and another and another. Then the battle began.
This lasted for about 10 minutes until the Sharpie flew off but this immature bird continued to frequent my home for weeks.
Your comments are welcomed and if you have any questions about the photo or any other questions leave me a message.